Thursday, May 21, 2009

Getting Bigger??

So, we went to the doctor for Madison's two week checkup and she was up to 8 lbs 13 oz! She's been eating fabulously:) Unfortunately, a week later we ended up back at the doctor because she has been throwing up a little too much for my liking......we ended up finding out she has acid reflux and has to take some medicine that doesn't stop her barfing, but neutralizes the acid so it doesn't burn up her esophagus. It's terrible having to watch your little baby girl throw everything up just after being fed (and I mean EVERYTHING)! She does however do rather well at taking her medicine....she's a trooper!

So hopefully she keeps gains weight instead of losing it, and maybe one day she'll have cheeks like the little boy in this video......

On a positive note we did make it through church on Sunday:)


This is me.... Kristen said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE HER DRESS!!!! From her FAV auntie Kristen, right on!! She looks so stinky cute in it! Can't wait to smoochy those cheekies in a week!!!

Ali Andrus said...

Awwww, sooo cute! Avril had the same exact problem with acid reflux. The doctors put her on that medicine as well to make the throwing up less painful. Since she was still quite unhappy they tried yet another one that is supposed to make her actually spit up less. I'm not so sure it works because she still spits up a LOT! She must be getting some down though because she is growing! I'm so happy for you guys :) I want to come meet her soon!

Jayne & Alex Nelson said...

she is so stinkin cute! She's growing into being such a heartbreaker!

Shelley said...

She is sooo cute! The Dodd Squad needs to come for a visit, or maybe just me. When Hillary was a baby, her dad started calling her Hurlary because she had the same thing. She finally made us stop calling her that, so we are allowed to call her that anymore. But she doesn't spit up anymore either!! ha. ha.

Jeff and Teresa Palmer said...

Keesa, I am so happy for you. I feel bad I haven't seen these pictures sooner. I'm not so ggod with the bloggin thing. Anyway congrats, she is beautiful just like you. I LOVE the name Madison Grace, good choice. I hope all is well and you were able to bounce back. Funny eventhough your mom lives a block away you would think she was in another state. I never see her anymore. Well congrats. you did a great job, she is beautiful.