Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tis the season for Autumn

This time of year is gorgeous in Kansas!
It's been in the 60's,
chilly enough for jackets and warming
up on the heater vents in the mornings:)
We have yet to see any snow,
which is quite different from what we are used to.
We are LOVING it!

Earlier today, Madison wanted to count her money
that she has stashed in an old vitamin bottle.
We counted it out - $19.47,
this girl is richer than I thought!
As we were sliding the money back through
the slot in the lid she glanced up at
me with quite the evil looking sneer and said,
"Mommy, you are a vulture - DON'T steal my money!"
Seriously? Yes.
Let's be honest - I was HELPING put the money back!
I have no clue how this girl comes up with all of her lines.
I just know she continues to make me laugh,
harder and harder!

These two are quite the pair.
I have no clue what they were googling over,
but the best is when I asked them to smile for me!

get real mom, we were having fun before you
brought out the camera

Trevor and Madi made some noodles
for some yummy soup!
Or dare I say, Madison showered our
kitchen with flour??
Either way, the soup was good
and we all had fun!

please excuse the garbage, our un-carved pumpkin
and Madison's panties:)


Coup n' Kal said...

that last picture makes me smile. it's real.

Rod and Kace said...

Oh Madi totally cracks me up!! Such cute little girls you have! Dang good pictures too, can't wait till I can get a decent camera! :)

Ali and Brig said...

I love both of their little hair do's! So cute and creative.

Holly said...

Okay, it's time for you to come back home. I sure miss those funny lines...she cracks me up too! Oh, and when did the baby grow up? They are both adorable!