Saturday, October 8, 2011

More Miss Moo Quotes

I had just finished making lunch and had
asked Madi to come up to the table
her response,

"I'm being entertained right now!"
( she was playing with my flip flops )

I was playing with Raelee on the floor
and Madi had been coloring by us.
I asked her what she was coloring,

"I'm just writing INDENTATIONS to my family"

I'm fairly certain she meant invitations,
but am still shocked that she even
knew the word.

We sat down for dinner.
I made stuffed shells,
Madi loves anything with noodles!
She took one bite,

"Mommy, you make the good job best dinner ever!"

By far my favorite of the day!
I was changing Raelee's messy diaper,
as I pulled the diaper off
Madi gasped and yelled,

"It's GREASY!!"
( bwahahaha, seriously? I almost cried laughing )

Madi keeps us quite entertained!

1 comment:

Coup n' Kal said...

lol, she cracks me up. Are you sure she wasn't trying to say "incantations"....wouldn't surprise me, that little genius!